Tuesday, November 20, 2007
When Money is ultimate then how can we think that child should opt after 12th class?
We study 10th standard, then, 12th standard, then, in college, and then in university in certain fields of academic education. At last, we started feeling why do one needs to study all such courses and prepare for exams every time with much pressures. And after all such hardships, one just becomes a white elephant at the end of our academic education. If money is what we all need for living, then, we should have quit long back while undergoing education in schools or colleges and should have started a business right away. To be frank, what is required out of education, is to infuse this real fact that one should create an idea to find/create a job that will feed one's livelihood in the long run. When the stomach is not complaining about hungry; or when there is money enough to take care of health-care, home, or, basic needs of living; an individual starts thinking about other creative ideas or concerns.
Steps should be taken to ensure that scientists, doctors, engineers and other professionals are retained in the Goverment Jobs!
Scientists, doctors, engineers and other professionals should be provided with sufficient scope research and analysis in their respective fields and should get better emoluments. The contractual appointment is a negative step which will steal the initiatives and innovation from such professionals. The must have a regular appointment with a sense of belonging and involved being inbuilt.
The expertise achieved with government organization should not be allowed to be transferred to the private sector in any case nor should a professional of a private sector be allowed in the government organization to promote the interests of his parent sector. If at all necessary the professional with extreme expertise in a particular field should be invited to share his knowledge or expertise on a fixed remuneration without being involved in the inner policy matters.
On account of the economic liberalization and policies directed against the employees and workers, the number of employees. Especially in Group 'C and 'D' cadres has registered a steep decline and the savings earned on that account by government has not been directed towards providing better benefits and conditions to the government employees nor the same has been utilized for betterment of the status of those who are leading a life of deprivation. Since the implementations of the report of the Fifth Central Pay Commission there has been approximately more than 20 percent reduction in the number of Group 'C & 'D' officials. Similar is the situation in state government and autonomous institutions. The undue reduction is proving to be the last straw on the camel's back.Looking at the lavish ways, the Central & Stage governments and other autonomous institutions are spending their funds for political purposes, the amount spend on due, reasonable and equitable package to the Central and Stage Government employees does not make any impact on their finances. No considerations as suggested in this questionnaire is good enough to deny fair and need wages to the Central Government employees.
The salary to be paid to not only the Secretary in the Central Government but also the salary to be paid to each category of the employees and workers should be based on the principle of the qualifications, technicalities, liabilities should end and responsibilities undertaken vis-a-vis the social and other obligations to be discharged by him. It has to be ensured that the Secretary or any other employee for such purpose should be answered of being in a position to maintain a befitting states. There are sufficient means (rules & laws) available to ensure that every government employee including the Secretary performs his duties in the desired manner and hence there is no need to resort to another extravenous method of linking the salary to the performance is rather a subjective judgment and the performance of productivity is linked with and dependent on several other factors not related to the personal ability of the employee including the Secretary. Therefore, there is no need to link the salary with the performance. We are totally opposed to the theory of making any appointment, be it of the Secretary or a Group 'C or 'D' employee, being made on contractual basis. This theory of contractual appointment is loaded with severe problems and contradictious and will be rather a impetus killer of the employees and workers. There is no need even to think of contractual appointment.
Are Moneymaking Ebooks Useful, or Just a Scam?
Anyone who has spent any amount of time surfing the Web has probably come across Websites that offer to show you how to earn money at home. The headlines, in large fonts, usually tout some seemingly outrageous claim, such as "High school dropout discovers secret of earning $9547 a day online." These headlines are usually followed by a long sales pitch designed to get you to buy an electronic book, or ebook, about making money.
A tremendous number of people are interested in learning how to make money on the Internet. So many, in fact, that a Google search for the phrase "make money online" yields nearly two million results. Obviously, there's a large market for books about making money. Are these books worthwhile, or are they just a scam designed to take your cash?
If you think that a $47 ebook is really going to teach you how to make thousands of dollars per day with only a few minutes' work, you're probably going to be disappointed. The figure quoted in on the seller's Web page undboubtedly represents an extreme example that probably cannot be duplicated. While many of these ebooks do suggest plans that are capable of making money, the sheer volume of people who buy them may render those methods ineffective. What works when one person does it may not work anymore when five thousand people try it. That doesn't mean that the information in any given ebook is entirely worthless; it just means that you may have to go through some trial and error in order to make it work.
Although the promises of earning a lot of money quickly are generally overstated, most of these ebooks do offer some useful information. A book that touts "five plans for success" might have one thing that works and four things that don't. Another book may promote a moneymaking method that won't work for you but might also tell you about a useful piece of software that you otherwise would not have known about. That, in turn, might lead you to something that works.
Most people who earn a living online have multiple sources of income; they don't get all of their money from just one thing. Anyone who is thinking about buying an ebook about making money should keep that in mind and not expect life-changing results from a single 60-page document. On the other hand, exposure to ideas presented in multiple books may give you ideas for something that will work for you, and that, after all, is what you're looking for in an ebook.
A tremendous number of people are interested in learning how to make money on the Internet. So many, in fact, that a Google search for the phrase "make money online" yields nearly two million results. Obviously, there's a large market for books about making money. Are these books worthwhile, or are they just a scam designed to take your cash?
If you think that a $47 ebook is really going to teach you how to make thousands of dollars per day with only a few minutes' work, you're probably going to be disappointed. The figure quoted in on the seller's Web page undboubtedly represents an extreme example that probably cannot be duplicated. While many of these ebooks do suggest plans that are capable of making money, the sheer volume of people who buy them may render those methods ineffective. What works when one person does it may not work anymore when five thousand people try it. That doesn't mean that the information in any given ebook is entirely worthless; it just means that you may have to go through some trial and error in order to make it work.
Although the promises of earning a lot of money quickly are generally overstated, most of these ebooks do offer some useful information. A book that touts "five plans for success" might have one thing that works and four things that don't. Another book may promote a moneymaking method that won't work for you but might also tell you about a useful piece of software that you otherwise would not have known about. That, in turn, might lead you to something that works.
Most people who earn a living online have multiple sources of income; they don't get all of their money from just one thing. Anyone who is thinking about buying an ebook about making money should keep that in mind and not expect life-changing results from a single 60-page document. On the other hand, exposure to ideas presented in multiple books may give you ideas for something that will work for you, and that, after all, is what you're looking for in an ebook.
How To Write Resume And Get Your Dream Job
A well crafted resume is vital if you are to get that dream job. When looking at how to write resume make sure your finished article is easy to read, well organized, professionally presented, concise to the point, results-oriented and fits the requirements of the position being sought. The following article highlights some of the main factors to consider in order to get your resume to the top of the pile.
One of the main factors when thinking about how to write resume is to prepare properly. Get a note pad and write down a list of all the things you have achieved that are relevant to the position you are after. List your weekly, monthly and annual achievements including information such as cost savings, improvements, outcomes and advancements your skills made possible.
It is not best practice to send out the same resume for a variety of jobs positions with different companies. Each resume will need to be customized, highlighting skills and experience relevant to the job description.
Be economical with your work history and remember your entire work history does not need to be listed. It is best to only list your most current positions you have held. It is also worth noting that employers prefer candidates who have been in their current position for more than three years. Most employers will be hesitant to offer an individual a position if their employment history consists of short-term work histories.
There are many formats a resume can take, however the recommended format should be along the lines of work history, work experience, education and professional certification. Employers prefer the career objective to be included in the cover letter. Try and provide a separate page for references when asked.
The most important part of learning how to write resume is learning how to re-write, edit and proof read the finished article. Get into the habit of asking a friend or family member to read your resume before you send it. Many resumes are dismissed because they contain basic errors such as poor spelling, bad grammar and punctuation. These errors are easy to amend if your resume is thoroughly checked. Even if you have edited and proofed your resume, still get someone else to read and review it.
To conclude, your resume is a very important element in your quest to find your ideal job and should not be overlooked. When you're deciding how to write resume, bear in mind the above points and this will help you get your foot in the door.
One of the main factors when thinking about how to write resume is to prepare properly. Get a note pad and write down a list of all the things you have achieved that are relevant to the position you are after. List your weekly, monthly and annual achievements including information such as cost savings, improvements, outcomes and advancements your skills made possible.
It is not best practice to send out the same resume for a variety of jobs positions with different companies. Each resume will need to be customized, highlighting skills and experience relevant to the job description.
Be economical with your work history and remember your entire work history does not need to be listed. It is best to only list your most current positions you have held. It is also worth noting that employers prefer candidates who have been in their current position for more than three years. Most employers will be hesitant to offer an individual a position if their employment history consists of short-term work histories.
There are many formats a resume can take, however the recommended format should be along the lines of work history, work experience, education and professional certification. Employers prefer the career objective to be included in the cover letter. Try and provide a separate page for references when asked.
The most important part of learning how to write resume is learning how to re-write, edit and proof read the finished article. Get into the habit of asking a friend or family member to read your resume before you send it. Many resumes are dismissed because they contain basic errors such as poor spelling, bad grammar and punctuation. These errors are easy to amend if your resume is thoroughly checked. Even if you have edited and proofed your resume, still get someone else to read and review it.
To conclude, your resume is a very important element in your quest to find your ideal job and should not be overlooked. When you're deciding how to write resume, bear in mind the above points and this will help you get your foot in the door.
Batteries And The Need To Recycle
With the enormous growth in cell phones, laptops, iPods and, of course, in children's toys, battery sales have risen dramatically worldwide in the last 10 years. Batteries have become absolutely essential to our everyday life. From our instant portable cameras to our music players to our automobiles, batteries make our lives completely convenient and portable. But along with that enormous growth in battery use, comes a growth in the need to recycle batteries in order to protect our environment as well. We should look to recycle rather than simply toss our batteries in the trashcan.
Batteries are unique components that are comprised of various elements that include heavy metals such as nickel cadmium, mercury nickel metal hydrate and alkaline that can harm the environment if not properly recycled. It is extremely important that each of us understands how to properly dispose of all of those batteries that we use everyday in our lives. In 2006 the state of California actually imposed a landfill ban on all household batteries. It's vitally important that you understand how your local community may require you to dispose of your batteries that are no longer working. Some states or municipalities that have recycling programs will require you to sort batteries by type [lithium, alkaline and rechargeable for example] in order to make the recycling effort more efficient. Be sure to understand what is required of you.
In general terms, if your local area does not have any recycling facilities then you may find that local stores such as an automotive outlet will offer to accept your old batteries for recycling. Some places of laws that old car batteries have to be accepted by automotive outlets when you buy a new one. But if you do have to dispose of batteries in a landfill or the garbage, keep one thing in mind. Despite the fact your batteries may not have enough power left to run your iPod or your child's toy truck, if several batteries are clumped together they can emit enough of a charge to cause them to ignite. It's better to be safe than sorry. You should also take note that you should never use a new battery with old ones as they can also work together ignite, leak or rupture and ruin the electronic item.
One of the things you can do to reduce the number of batteries that need to be disposed of is to use rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable nickel cadmium batteries today can simply reduce the number of batteries that you need per year. You still need to dispose of these rechargeable batteries properly as well but the more we use rechargeables the less likely we are to simply cast off normal everyday batteries in an improper way because we have so many of them.
In the United States alone, consumer households buy more than 3 billion batteries each year. That's about 10 batteries per person in America alone. Obviously there is an important need for each of us to continue to be conscious of the need to dispose of batteries properly to protect the environment. Continue to do your part and we can help each other.
Batteries are unique components that are comprised of various elements that include heavy metals such as nickel cadmium, mercury nickel metal hydrate and alkaline that can harm the environment if not properly recycled. It is extremely important that each of us understands how to properly dispose of all of those batteries that we use everyday in our lives. In 2006 the state of California actually imposed a landfill ban on all household batteries. It's vitally important that you understand how your local community may require you to dispose of your batteries that are no longer working. Some states or municipalities that have recycling programs will require you to sort batteries by type [lithium, alkaline and rechargeable for example] in order to make the recycling effort more efficient. Be sure to understand what is required of you.
In general terms, if your local area does not have any recycling facilities then you may find that local stores such as an automotive outlet will offer to accept your old batteries for recycling. Some places of laws that old car batteries have to be accepted by automotive outlets when you buy a new one. But if you do have to dispose of batteries in a landfill or the garbage, keep one thing in mind. Despite the fact your batteries may not have enough power left to run your iPod or your child's toy truck, if several batteries are clumped together they can emit enough of a charge to cause them to ignite. It's better to be safe than sorry. You should also take note that you should never use a new battery with old ones as they can also work together ignite, leak or rupture and ruin the electronic item.
One of the things you can do to reduce the number of batteries that need to be disposed of is to use rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable nickel cadmium batteries today can simply reduce the number of batteries that you need per year. You still need to dispose of these rechargeable batteries properly as well but the more we use rechargeables the less likely we are to simply cast off normal everyday batteries in an improper way because we have so many of them.
In the United States alone, consumer households buy more than 3 billion batteries each year. That's about 10 batteries per person in America alone. Obviously there is an important need for each of us to continue to be conscious of the need to dispose of batteries properly to protect the environment. Continue to do your part and we can help each other.
Arranged Marriage is becoming a funny commercial deal in indian society!
I have been in India a long time and this clearly portrays how society judges things by material possession and stereotyping in India. Traditional Indian marriages in today's world are mostly based upon economic incentive and caste. Love is rare in the match process.
The video symbolizes the thinking when having arranged marriage in following video:
The video symbolizes the thinking when having arranged marriage in following video:
Right To Information platform
The RTI Act has several warts, it faces a lot of pressure from the bureaucracy which is being forced to take action, it is dependent to a large extent on the diktats of the information commissioners; but it is causing a number of long pending cases to be heard and resolved. And the prime reason, the main advantage of the RTI Act being that it gives people the right to take a peek inside Government file movement and decision making. The RTI Act remains one of the key laws passed in the recent past by parliament, and as it sinks more deeper into society, people will use it far more.In this particular case, a widow whose husband was employed with the Government was entitled to receive Rs. 53,000 under a group insurance scheme after his death. For 12 years (12 years is a very large period of time in such circumstances), she was battling with the Gujarat state revenue department to get this money. There were some procedural issues with the premium that her husband had to pay, but she was not aware of these details. Finally, she filed a case under the RTI Act, and the Gujarat Information Commission asked the revenue department to file a reply. Based on this reply, the widow had to pay some amount against unpaid premium, and then she was allotted the insurance proceeds.Besides the obvious issue of an uncaring department, the bureaucracy is normally unresponsive because the details of file movement are not disclosed to the applicant. However, the RTI Act entitles the applicant to know about current status of the file / application, and when the concerned babu is brought under the laser spotlight of the RTI application, things move.All of us know this, that the bureaucracy is a picture of sloth, with things normally moving at a slow pace. Until there are some systemic reforms, the RTI Act presents a very good way (much better than other ways) of getting information (as a right) and then being able to get action taken based on this information.There are a number of movements geared towards getting people aware of their rights under the RTI Act. Some of these are:
3. India Together
4. RTI (Govt)
The true powers of this Act are only possible when people use this right to information whenever they feel stone-walled or when they need information for a public cause (like amount of money allocated and spent in their sorroundings).
3. India Together
4. RTI (Govt)
The true powers of this Act are only possible when people use this right to information whenever they feel stone-walled or when they need information for a public cause (like amount of money allocated and spent in their sorroundings).
Want to make money, be a politician
It just cannot get more brazen than this. Mayawati, a chief minister is from humble upbringin, and not known to have a rich uncle who died and left her a fortune in her will. So consider her 'declared' wealth - she has a total holding of Rs. 52.5 crore. This is an incredible amount of money, and I am sure that Mayawati is not a big player in the stock market or a property builder, so how would she make that amount of money ?
In a word, corruption of the greatest order. Read some of these details:
UP chief minister Mayawati's wealth has grown by over 400% in the last three years. While filing her papers for the Lok Sabha election in 2004, she had declared her assets at a little over over Rs 11 crore. And now, as reported by TOI on Tuesday, she has declared in a sworn affidavit that her wealth amounts to Rs 52.5 crore.On April 4, 2004, when Mayawati filed for contesting from the Akbarpur Lok Sabha seat, she declared that she owned four houses — all of them at Inderpuri (C-57, 58, 74 and 75) in Delhi — which were cumulatively worth 1.25 crore. This time, she has declared some prime pieces of property in Delhi — one of them on Sardar Patel Marg, an exclusive locality abutting the Capital’s diplomatic enclave. According to her, this alone is worth Rs 18 crore, although real estate agents place its market value at much higher. The rest are commercial properties in the city — two in Connaught Place, worth Rs 3.3 crore, and another in Okhla, worth Rs 15.5 crore.
As the excerpt shows, she has managed to acquire some additional property worth Rs. 40 crores in 3 years, and she has obviously not shown any sales of some big asset to finance the purchases of these properties. These properties are obviously new acquisitions, and seemingly difficult to do on a MP's salary.These are examples of gross corruption, and she has the guts to declare these properties, and what has given her the guts to make such declarations. The positively inept Congress Government. I no longer believe Manmohan Singh to be a honest person, he is as bad a politician as any. A person is honest not only by himself, but by his actions. And the Prime Minister is behaving like as venal a politician as any other. He has accepted criminals in his cabinet, has behaved like a total poodle in the manner of letting Quatrochi go scot-free, connived in the dismal actions of his Governors such as Buta Singh, let the election of the President get into a loyalty game, and allowed his current useless Governor of Uttar Pradesh to refuse to give permission to prosecure Mayawati in the Taj case.And now this, the Chief Minister of the country's most populus state is openly declaring her corruption, and he will refuse to get involved in any way. He will be remembered for inaction in the face of corruption of the polity.
In a word, corruption of the greatest order. Read some of these details:
UP chief minister Mayawati's wealth has grown by over 400% in the last three years. While filing her papers for the Lok Sabha election in 2004, she had declared her assets at a little over over Rs 11 crore. And now, as reported by TOI on Tuesday, she has declared in a sworn affidavit that her wealth amounts to Rs 52.5 crore.On April 4, 2004, when Mayawati filed for contesting from the Akbarpur Lok Sabha seat, she declared that she owned four houses — all of them at Inderpuri (C-57, 58, 74 and 75) in Delhi — which were cumulatively worth 1.25 crore. This time, she has declared some prime pieces of property in Delhi — one of them on Sardar Patel Marg, an exclusive locality abutting the Capital’s diplomatic enclave. According to her, this alone is worth Rs 18 crore, although real estate agents place its market value at much higher. The rest are commercial properties in the city — two in Connaught Place, worth Rs 3.3 crore, and another in Okhla, worth Rs 15.5 crore.
As the excerpt shows, she has managed to acquire some additional property worth Rs. 40 crores in 3 years, and she has obviously not shown any sales of some big asset to finance the purchases of these properties. These properties are obviously new acquisitions, and seemingly difficult to do on a MP's salary.These are examples of gross corruption, and she has the guts to declare these properties, and what has given her the guts to make such declarations. The positively inept Congress Government. I no longer believe Manmohan Singh to be a honest person, he is as bad a politician as any. A person is honest not only by himself, but by his actions. And the Prime Minister is behaving like as venal a politician as any other. He has accepted criminals in his cabinet, has behaved like a total poodle in the manner of letting Quatrochi go scot-free, connived in the dismal actions of his Governors such as Buta Singh, let the election of the President get into a loyalty game, and allowed his current useless Governor of Uttar Pradesh to refuse to give permission to prosecure Mayawati in the Taj case.And now this, the Chief Minister of the country's most populus state is openly declaring her corruption, and he will refuse to get involved in any way. He will be remembered for inaction in the face of corruption of the polity.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Home based Tech. Jobs .Earn Rs.50000 to Rs. 75000 monthly!

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Nice to meet you through this Blog. This Blog is exclusively designed for Indians who wants to earn money through Home based internet jobs without any investment, who can spend only few hours in a day. Trust yourself , you will earn Rs. 50000 to Rs 75000 and more from this month.

If you want to express yourself and to this globalised world then you have to become the God of your own and start a business at your home and to make apoint that you have leadership quality and business instincts.
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